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Tumbling Planet - Trine Panum

€34,00 €109,00

Trine Panum, painter:

Jeg har valgt verdensmål 4 – kvalitetsuddannelse, som mit tema. Det handler om, at alle skal have lige adgang til uddannelse for derigennem at blive klogere, mere selvstændige og få kompetencer i at samarbejde. Netop de tre ting er så vigtige for vores forståelse af hinanden og måden, vi udvikler os på som mennesker. En god uddannelse er med til at lægge grundstenene for et inspirerende liv. Det udvikler os og giver os troen på, at vi gør en forskel og kan bidrage til det samfund, vi lever i.” 

About the Tumbling Planets:
bObles and the danish children’s foundation” Børneulykkesfonden” has teamed up and created a campaign that puts focus on the UN’s sustainable development goals and supports the initiative called “Legeheltene”, that helps hospitalized children. Selected artists, designers and other creative souls have each created their own unique Tumbling Planet with one of the UN’s 17 goals in mind. The Tumbling Planets are limited edition pieces of tumbling furniture.
All proceeds go to Børneulykkesfondens legehelte. 

About the designer:
Trine Panum has worked as a TV host on “TV 2 Nyhederne” and “Station 2” for many years. Today she lives as a full-time artist and has her own gallery in Bagsværd. Trine Panum's artistic expression is expressive and coloristic.

Ø 25 cm H 20 cm

Like bObles’ other tumbling furniture pieces, Tumbling Planet is made in firm EVA-foam with a soft surface, that encourages active play and sparks joy and imagination for both babies, toddlers, and children. And at the same they function as multifunctional furniture for the entire home.

It is easy to clean your Tumbling Planet - Trine Panum, as bObles EVA foam is water repellent. Therefor we would recomend using soft cloth with neutral dishsoap.
You could also use lint rollers, disinfecting alcohol/hand gel or even bring your Tumbling Planet - Trine Panum with you in the shower.

Tumbling Planet - Trine Panum in use

See here how others use Tumbling Planet - Trine Panum in their decor and play.

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